Monday, December 10, 2012

Stanzie Gives Her First Interview

My blog tour with Buy The Book Tours kicks off today at MJ Schiller's Blog!

Both Stanzie and Scott Charest, the Alpha male from Mayflower that you'll meet in the pages of Inside Out give an interview.  Scott cracks me up. I love him.  He was his typical humorous self.  Stanzie was earnest and remarkably upbeat for all that happens to her.

I'd love for you all to go with me and Stanzie on this two-month blog tour.  There's an Amazon gift card in it for one lucky person and several copies of the book will also be given away.  Plus it's going to be fun.  Stanzie's got several interviews coming up and Murphy is going to come along on at least one.  Maybe Councilor Allerton.  I also get interviewed so many times my head is spinning.  And there will be reviews.

So take a break from holiday shopping and Christmas carols and spend some time with my wolf shifters in their world.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Come Learn More About The Wolf Within

Today I'm being interviewed by the talented and fascinating Nerine Dorman at her blog This is My World.  I talk a lot (a lot!) about Stanzie's world and her adventures.  There's is even a photo of MOI!